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Google Will Buy Twitter in 2016

Google Will Buy Twitter in 2016

Google will buy Twitter. There, that’s my bold prediction for the year. Agree with me or not, we all know Twitter needs to find some money–fast. Here’s why I believe this acquisition is going to happen and why both companies will benefit. I’ll say it...
Facebook Marketing in 2016: 6 Reasons to “Amp-Up”

Facebook Marketing in 2016: 6 Reasons to “Amp-Up”

Facebook marketing in 2016 is going to continue to be a key component in just about any organization’s strategy. Here are 6 reasons to”Amp-up” your presence this year with some key stats in mind. Marketing on Facebook is now an essential part of just...

Jason’s Tool Box

I once got an ice scraper as a promotional gift from a baseball game I attended in Myrtle Beach on a HOT summer night.

Pursuing a Greater Life Through Discomfort

Do you have any good, memorable stories from your past about how you didn’t go through any resistance and stayed stagnant? Have you seen any movies with a plot where the main character didn’t grow? He just settled in for a comfortable existence and got...

The Economy of Calories

The Economy of Calories – Burning More Than I’m Taking In I slept in a bit this morning, so there were many things that I said “no” to in order to get an hour or so more of sleep. I must admit that it felt great! The choice to sleep in was at a cost...