The Leap–Almost a Year Later

The Leap–Almost a Year Later

Over the course of the last month or so, I’ve been struck with the thought that it’s been almost a year since I took “the great leap.” I left my full-time job at an organization that I had been working at for nearly 10 years. For a number of reasons, it had become...

Pursuing a Greater Life Through Discomfort

Do you have any good, memorable stories from your past about how you didn’t go through any resistance and stayed stagnant? Have you seen any movies with a plot where the main character didn’t grow? He just settled in for a comfortable existence and got...

The Economy of Calories

The Economy of Calories – Burning More Than I’m Taking In I slept in a bit this morning, so there were many things that I said “no” to in order to get an hour or so more of sleep. I must admit that it felt great! The choice to sleep in was at a cost...